💡The need to raise the bar so as to offer our clients the best human centric LED solution, took us around the world.
🌏 This week we have taken part at the Euroshop Fair 2023 in Dusseldorf Germany and at the DPES Sign Expo China 2023 in GuangZhou, in order to know the new trends in the LED world.
🚀 We have met some of our international partners and we have discussed about developing together new technologies that will bring #HumanCentricLighting to be the next focus for the world LED development and applications.
Better lighting, less distraction.
Greater productivity.
Stay tuned!
#b2labtech #b2silence #humancentriclighting #acousticlighting #apparecchidiacusticlighting #startup #madeinitaly #health #future #people #technology #development #wellbeing #productivity #testing #startupinnovativa #trentinostartupvalley #trentinosviluppo #illuminazioneuomocentrica #machinelearning #iot #lighting #StoreDesign #RetailTechnology #WeLoveEuroShop #euroshop2023